Speaking Life

Speaking Life

July 09, 20241 min read

"....and the truth shall set you free."

The opposite of truth is lie. A lie is simply the possibility of what might be if we believe it.

.....if we give it substance.

.....if we give it energy.

We can choose to turn a lie into something OR leave it where it was formed and let it be nothing.

Has someone spoken against you in a lie?

Leave it there on the lips of the one who chooses to speak or spread it.

Give it and them no energy.

.....no power over you!

Choose to dust off your feet and move to a better place where life is spoken and love abides.

....where people uplift, encourage and celebrate each other.

.....where people choose to see the good that surrounds you and others and to SPEAK LIFE instead of lies.

Let's all choose to see the good and make a positive difference to someone today! 

wisdom with agepower of wordsspeaklife
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