Lesson from the Sea

Do You Believe in Signs? Today's Lesson from the Sea...

June 25, 20242 min read

It's no secret that I live in an oceanfront condo and like to take long walks on the beach.

I love collecting sea glass which seems to be getting harder to find these days. I put them in glass containers on display in our condo.

We have lots of brown sea glass and quite a bit of clear pieces. It’s been rare to find green ones and even rarer blue pieces.

This morning, I was worrying – stressing – grumbling over something I can’t change and I almost allowed my “stinkin thinkin” to keep me from walking on the beach. 

Doing something I love

That I know is healthy

I grudgingly locked the door thinking I’d just walk for a short bit and “check the box” for my daily walk.

The sun was warm yet the steady breeze made the walk pleasant.

Soon after my feet hit the sand, I found a piece of glass – green sea glass!

I knew right away “here’s my sign!!”

You see, a year ago my Mom passed away. Like many others during the pandemic, she died alone and confused about why we couldn’t visit her. While I was grateful her suffering was over, it haunted me that she died alone. I allowed my grief to be wrapped in regret, anger, and just a little guilt although I’d have moved mountains to sit by her side if they’d just have unlocked the door to her facility.

The first time I walked on the beach after Mom’s passing, I found a large piece of green sea glass. Her favorite color was green and I immediately felt this was a sign – a message, if you will, to enjoy life and keep walking forward. I knew that's what she would want.

That day, I found 4 pieces of green sea glass. Mom had 4 children and I know in my heart there was one for each of us.  Four signs she loved us so very much.

Since then, almost every time I walk on the beach, I find a piece of green glass. And I smile and say, “thank you!”

Guess how many I found today? 

Five – FIVE pieces of green sea glass!

And guess what I left out there – cast out to sea in that vast ocean? 

My “stinkin' thinkin”

My worry, my stress, my grumbling, my bad attitude over something I can’t change and wouldn’t want to if I could because I know God has something better in store.

I hope my morning “lesson from the sea” uplifts you and gives you reason to look for your own signs that everything is going to be alright.

And, if you don’t believe in signs, everything is still going to be alright when you simply take 'thyme for you' and be mindful of that “stinkin thinkin” because you can go so much further without it!

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