Break the Chains

Break the Chains with Acceptance

May 28, 20244 min read

Is there something in your life that you didn’t choose yet must find a way to face, deal with, accept?

It may be something permanent that you simply cannot change. Like the loss of a job, or the death of a beloved pet, friend, or family member. It could be something temporary that’s causing you lots of anguish like misplaced keys or thunderstorms raining on your pool party. It could even be a broken strap on your favorite pair of sandals!

We’re all familiar with the Serenity Prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

There’s a reason the word 'accept' comes first in that familiar prayer and that’s because we need to see something as it truly is before we can determine whether we can or want to change it. Notice that acceptance comes before change and wisdom. 

Acceptance is the opposite of avoidance. It helps us ground ourselves in reality so that we can decide to change and move forward.

There’s an essential oil blend that I like to use when dealing with some of the curveballs that life sends my way. This blend helps calm my mind and remind me that acceptance is the first step in viewing my current true position. 

I like to compare acceptance to planning a trip to an exciting new place. I need to know where I currently am in order to decide whether and how I can get to that new place. 

The blend is called...are you ready for this...Acceptance.™ I sometimes wear it as a perfume and often diffuse it when moving on to new and better things.

It has some beautiful single oils like Geranium, Bergamot, Frankincense, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, citrus oils, Rose and Jasmine. Even though Acceptance™ blend contains 19 single oils, its aroma is fresh, light and uplifting.

If you’re facing things in your life that are causing you to lose your way or feel mired in a maze of doubt and uncertainty, maybe some Acceptance™ will help you the way it helps me. Who knows, it might even do BETTER things for you!

Now, here’s the best part! You can now order just a bottle of Acceptance™ (or ANY OTHER product regardless of price!) without needing to buy a starter kit!! Yep, that’s right and when you choose “Subscribe” when checking out, you can schedule another bottle or anything else you might like to be shipped to you in 1, 2, of 3 months and that will unlock the 24% discount on your purchase and whatever you subscribe to buy in the coming months. If you’re uncertain, just poke around the website until you find something that appeals to you and add that to your subscription order. For example, you could subscribe to get Acceptance™ this month and add a bottle of Orange essential oil – I call that one “liquid sunshine” - in 3 months. 

Now, here’s another best part! You’ll be a Young Living Customer rather than a “wholesale distributor.” That means you can shop for exactly what you want when you want it and never be expected to sell any of the products, sponsor other members, host any parties, etc. 

Young Living has always offered the BEST essential oils and oil-infused products on the planet. Now, it’s become the BEST source for creating healthy homes for each of us and a healthy world for all of us.

To make it easier for you, I’ve created a link that enables you to order Acceptance™ and then schedule a bottle of Orange essential oil to be shipped to you whenever you want it within the next 3 months. This one just makes me smile every time I take the cap off the bottle! You’ll be able to see other products and add anything you’d like to your subscription, or you can simply complete the order and wait for your box to arrive at your doorstep.

Making the decision to bring Young Living essential oils into your home is smart and healthy. I’m so very glad it made that decision almost 17 years ago now because there’s simply not enough time for me to share all the good things that have happened since then. I want the same goodness for you, my friend, so click that link now and begin your essential oil journey!

acceptancearomatherapyessential oilsoils and emotionsbreak the chains
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